

DF-BPMN provides a Docker image to run the BPMN modeler as a Container in Docker or Kubernetes.

The DF-BPMN Docker image is based on the official NodeJS image (node:16-buster). The container image contains a prebuild appliction and exposes the port 3000

In the Dockerfile we are using start script as the entrypoint:

ENTRYPOINT [ "/usr/src/app/start.sh" ]

Note: The start script is setting the environment param --hostname= which is important to allow access form outside the container. Find more details also here and here.


To build the docker image from sources run:

$ docker build . -t alinoureldin/df-bpmn --build-arg OPENAI_KEY=<open-api-key>


To run the docker image locally run:

$ docker run --name="df-bpmn" --rm -p 3000:3000 -p 3001:3001 alinoureldin/df-bpmn --env OPENAI_KEY=<open-api-key>

After starting the container the applicaiton is available on


To stop the container run:

$ docker stop df-bpmn ## Workspace For the integration with Bonita studio, you should add `-v` to mount the workspace of bonita project within the docker image

$ docker run --name="df-bpmn" --rm -p 3000:3000 -p 3001:3001  --env OPENAI_KEY=<open-api-key> -it -v /path/to/bonita-workspace:/usr/src/app/bonita alinoureldin/df-bpmn

When you need to export a DF-BPMN project to Bonita proc, you should add the /bonita-project-name/ and the BDM of bonita will automatically imported, and the export of DF-BPMN will be within download within your Bonita project.

Push to Docker-Hub

To push the image manually to a docker repo:

$ docker build . -t alinoureldin/df-bpmn:latest
$ docker push alinoureldin/df-bpmn:latest