This is the Imixs BPMN GLSP Server module used by the Imixs BPMN Client modules.
To build the server part of Open BPMN run the maven command:
$ mvn clean install
This will automatically launch the default profile ‘fatjar’. This maven profile will generate a sever jar including your EMF model and all necessary components. This is called a ‘fatjar’.
From the /target/ folder you can now start the server by executing the following commands (whereas X.X.X is the current version):
$ cd target
$ java -jar open-bpmn.server-[VERSION]-SNAPSHOT-glsp.jar org.imixs.bpmn.glsp.server.launch.BPMN2ServerLauncher
For VSCode there is a corresponding launch configuration available.
In case you see server exceptions like this one:
WARNUNG: Failed to send notification message.
java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleObjectException: Unable to make private java.util.Collections$EmptyMap() accessible: module java.base does not "opens java.util" to unnamed module @23fe1d71
at java.base/java.lang.reflect.AccessibleObject.checkCanSetAccessible(
it indicates a problem with the JVM / Gson Libraries. Find details here
A possible solution is to add the VM Option java.base/java.util=ALL-UNNAMED
. For VSCode this can be done by adding the following vmArgs to the launch config:
"vmArgs": [
During development you can use the ‘build’ script to build & run the backend in a separat task. This gives you more control as the server can be rebuild and started independent from your Client components.
To build and start the GLSP Server only, run:
$ ./ -b
You can extend the log file output by setting the optional logLevel to DEBUG
java -jar open-bpmn.server-0.5.0-SNAPSHOT-glsp.jar org.openbpmn.glsp.BPMNServerLauncher -logLevel=DEBUG
You can also launch the server from Eclipse IDE in the Debug mode.
Just start the org.openbpmn.glsp.BPMNServerLauncher
application in Debug mode (Debug As - Java Application”