Exercise 2(a): Add BDM to Bonita studio

This exercise is to define the data model within Bonita Studio.

Add data objects

Follow the next steps to add the UML objects within the BDM:
  1. Click on bom.xml in the Business Data Model

  2. Select a package (you can also add your own packages).

  3. Click on 'Add Object'

  4. Change the name of the object, and then define its attributes and their types.

Add UML objects to the DBM

Follow the steps described above to add UML objects to the BDM.

Add data information to the DBM

In this exercise, we assume that the suppliers are already stored in the BDM (database). Therefore, you need to add them manually to the database.
  1. Right-click on the 'bom.xml' file in the BDM. Then, select 'Browse data (h2 console) ...'.

  2. The database should automatically open in the browser. Double-click on 'Supplier', then click 'RUN'. After that, click 'Edit' to modify the database table and start adding information.

  3. Click on the '+' icon and add new suppliers (2 or 3).

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